Effective September 01, 2018, all stormwater permitting will be mandatory through STEERS. All applicants must submit the NOI, LREW, NOC, and NOT forms using the online e-permitting system available through the TCEQ website or request and obtain an electronic reporting waiver. Electronic reporting waivers are not transferrable and expire on the same date as the authorization to discharge.
All new TCEQ STEERS accounts have limited access until the applicant submits a signed electronic STEERS Participation Agreement to TCEQ. Except for creating your account, which only the applicant can perform, a specialized consulting company can help you manage your account and prepare each STEERS submission accurately.
The links below provide step-by-step instructions for setting up a STEERS account. It is important to remember that only an officer of your company can sign the NOI. Please keep in mind that the email address that you enter, when prompted, (in setting up the STEERS account) is the only email address STEERS will correspond with.
Here are guides to help set up your STEERS account:
Your business activity in construction is subject to various regulations, including obtaining various environmental permits. Once you have created and validated your TCEQ STEERS account, we can offer step-by-step assistance for STEERS notice preparation.
From the Notice of Intent to the Notice of Termination, we will ensure that every document is:
Blue Palm Environmental has the experience required to help you through the TCEQ STEERS account setup in a timely manner.
Call us at 281-764-1340, and find out how we can help you set up your STEERS Account.
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